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Nombre :


Fecha de nacimiento :




Esterilizado :


Raza :

Pit Bull

Color :

Blanco y marron

Tamano :


Con nosotros desde :


RAYO casi muere el verano de 2020, con solo dos año y medio le sacamos de una perrera municipal en un estado terrible, demacrado, cojeando y sin atención médica para su Leishmania que, junto con un defecto de nacimiento no detectado del párpado que le frotaba dolorosamente el globo ocular lo había dejado ciego de un ojo. 

RAYO se estaba dejando morir, negándose a comer y a tratar con nadie. RAYO pudo haber sido utilizado como perro de cebo, fue recogido en un área de peleas de perros cubierto de viejas cicatrices y le faltaba un diente. 

Hoy hemos conseguido curar su párpado y le hemos recuperado físicamente. Adora estar con personas, él solo necesita la paz de un hogar y mucho amor. 

Snuffly, cuddly Rayo nearly died last summer, seemingly losing the will to live at just two and a half years old, when a small injury seemed to be the final straw for him and he lay down to die refusing to eat or talk to anyone. SOS Salobrena had found him in the municipal pound in a terrible state, emaciated, limping, and with no medical attention for his Leishmania which along with an undetected birth defect of the eyelid rubbing painfully on his eyeball all his life had left him blind in one eye. 

It is thought Rayo may have been used as a bait dog for other dogs to attack for money: he was picked up in a dog-fighting area covered in old scars and missing a tooth. The good news is an eye specialist has repaired his eyelid and given him a deep clean of his ear canal, so Rayo is feeling a lot better. 

Rayo loves people and deserves a home with no more cruelty and a sofa to rest at last.

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